WOMEN IN FOOD: Sara Stevens

When I think of Sara, I think of the many qualities she has in common with the beautiful food and flowers that she grows - grounded, abundant, blooming. Sara is someone who navigates her life with an adventurous spirit - always exploring her passions and curiosities with an open and eager attitude. She cares for the people around her and I think the way she cares for the earth flows from that very same space. Happy to introduce you to this inspiring Woman in Food!

You can find her over at: @_itsmesararose_ and @shadyhazelfarm

Tell us a bit about your upbringing.

I was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta.

What type of food philosophy did you grow up around?

We didnt really have a food philosophy growing up - my mom was a single mom of 3 and she worked hard to put food on the table. My uncles were hunters and fishers and one of them had an acreage so I have fond memories of running to the garden and picking fresh veggies or a mouthful of raspberries in the summers. I think some of the most stand out memories are those big family meals for holidays. My mom was one of 10 children - she had 4 sisters and 5 brothers. The holidays were always a big deal - everyone would get together to cook a massive meal and visit. Each of my aunts had a special dish that they had perfected over the years that we all looked forward to. Thats what stands out.

Describe where you live.

I live on the Sunshine Coast of BC - one of the most beautiful pockets of our province, in my opinion. We have a 16 acre farm right in the heart of Gibsons.

Tell us a little about what you do.

 I'm a farmer baby! My partner owns Shady Hazel farm where we raise heritage breed lamb and pork, grow mixed vegetables for market, and host an annual pumpkin patch. This year I also started a cut flower business at the property.

What led you to a career in food? 

Food is one of the few universally unifying things. It started as a curiousity - "how can I better take care of my body?" So I began by studying holistic nutrition. Then my interest expanded to "how can I nurture those around me?", so I began to learn how to cook well. And finally it has come full circle with "how can I be more connected to the land and live more harmoniously with nature?" Farming is the most real and important thing to me. I'm very proud of what I do.

Top 3 things you love about what you do?

I get to work outside! I get to be curious and creative everyday! I get to eat well!

What’s been the most challenging part of getting to where you are now?

There are alot of moving parts with farming and raising food- there is just so much to know and in the beginning it all feels really overwhelming and intimidating and that was a big hurdle to get past. But you just have to start. I'm so glad I did

An object in your kitchen that brings you joy?

My microplane. It was the first utensil that made me feel really "chef-y" when I used it. That hasnt worn off yet haha

You’re hosting a dinner party. What's on the menu?

It always changes based off of whatever is fresh from the garden and in season. I've worked in many Italian and French restaurants and I think I've fully absorbed those culinary influences. Risottos, rich ragus, seasonal salads and galettes, anything that feels comforting and decadent.

Favourite music to listen to while cooking? Favourite podcasts?

Anything upbeat! Fave podcasts: Tangentially Speaking, Your Mom's House, This is Actually Happening, Honeydew, The Daily

What’s a song that means something to you?

The thong song by Sisco

Where can you be found when you’re not in the kitchen?

At the farm or in the forest with my pup Walter

What cookbooks / food blogs do you find yourself returning to again and again?

Alison Roman, Tartine, NYT Cooking

You’re hosting a dinner party. What's on the menu?

It always changes based off of whatever is fresh from the garden and in season. I've worked in many Italian and French restaurants and I think I've fully absorbed those culinary influences. Risottos, rich ragus, seasonal salads and galettes, anything that feels comforting and decadent.

Favourite non-food related book?

Braiding Sweetgrass

What does your perfect morning look like?

Music playing, sun shining, a good stretch and many cups of coffee

What’s one of your simple pleasures?

Hugging my dog

Tell us about an accomplishment you’re proud of.

This year was my first year growing cut flowers & I am very proud of how it went.

Aside from food, what do you feel passionate about?

Travel & love

Who are your biggest inspirations in the food world and why?

Guy Fieri - he invented Flavortown and the world listened

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I've always wanted to live in the Netherlands or Switzerland. I've never even visited either places but something is calling me there.

In a different life, what line of work could you see yourself in?

Nursing, more specifically midwifery. Who knows - maybe I'll go back to school one day!

A recipe / dish that holds a special place in your heart?

My moms apple crisp

Favourite local coffee shop? What are you ordering?

Lone Wolf Bakery - Ham and cheese croissant

Favourite local restaurant? What are you ordering?

Nagomi Sushi Bar - EBI FRIES

What’s one of your non-negotiable self-care practices?

A good sleep!

What are the top 3 things on your bucket list? 

Become fluent in spanish, learn the piano, and live abroad.

What are you excited about right now?

Eating and drinking in Mexico City with my love

Best piece of advice you’ve been given on life, business or cooking?

Dont be afraid to try.

Hilary Brent