WOMEN IN FOOD: Rebecca Taylor

Meet Rebecca Taylor of Souley Nourished. She’s a professional food stylist and chef who has paved her own path in the industry and has done everything from private cheffing, cooking for retreats, food styling and plenty of solo travelling where she gathers inspiration for her work. She loves connecting people to food in an intentional manner. Rebecca is a born forager - she’s always used what she has on hand, never wastes a thing and uses her creativity to make anything beautiful. In my eyes, she’s the queen of food play - always having FUN on the plate and bringing plenty of colour, texture and style to the food she creates. So looking forward to making dinner with her one day when we finally meet IRL.

Find her here: souleynourished.com + @souley_nourished on instagram.

Tell us a bit about your upbringing.

I grew up in CT to two food loving parents who inspired me to try escargot at 3 and had stacks of cooking magazines beside the toilet. I found pride in my adventurous spirit with food and was celebrated by my parents for following whatever path I pursued. Though that was music initially, the transition to cooking and food art was effortless.

What type of food philosophy did you grow up around?

Be adventurous, be open minded and don't say you don't like something until you've tried it. Thanks dad.

Describe where you live.

I live in Los Angeles, CA which has such an abundance of culture and nature. I've foraged my own chanterelle mushrooms here as well as native miners lettuce - there's no better feeling than sourcing from the ground. The ethnic markets are also hugely inspiring!

Tell us a little about what you do. 

I've worn many hats under the umbrella of food but currently I'm a professional food stylist. The best way to describe this work is, a makeup artist for food on camera. I do miss the intentional community and group gatherings/ retreats which I hope begin again soon!

What led you to a career in food? 

I was healing my own relationship to food and my body. I found peace with making food in an intentional loving way and just wanted to share that with others. In doing so, I started finding work, it's almost like it just fell in my lap. It's natural because it's authentic and I feel so fulfilled in continuing to inspire/ share my journey.

Top 3 things you love about what you do?

Travel is always "work related", I get to be around the most creative people, There's an unpredictability about it and I'm always learning something new! Icing on the cake would be, I get to help others.

What’s been the most challenging part of getting to where you are now?

I've experienced a lot of imposter syndrome where I feel like I'm not qualified or that I'll somehow be "found out". That's just a mental thing that I try really hard to hear with compassion and love for myself. There will always be a serious inner critic in my mind that I have to quiet from time to time.

An object in your kitchen that brings you joy?

I'm a stylist and a lot of that is props. I love everything I've brought into my kitchen, especially the hand carved spoons from Mexico. So much love went into making those.

You’re hosting a dinner party. What's on the menu?

An array of colorful small plates with a variety of foods. Bright, beautiful feel-good food. Whole roasted fish, delicious sauces, vegetable steaks and salads with unique spices. Family style it is.

Favourite music to listen to while cooking? Favourite podcasts?

I'm really inspired by a playlist from an amazing outdoor food experience called Moonrise Standard. The playlist on Spotify is called Moonrise Standard and it's a mix of latin music. I love ethnic music while I cook, it reminds me of my travels.

What’s a song that means something to you?

One of us by Joan Osborn was one of the first songs I sang in my car seat at 2. It's when my parents realized I could sing.

Where can you be found when you’re not in the kitchen?

In someone else's kitchen, or sourcing ingredients for the next dinner.

Take us on a trip down culinary memory lane and tell us about your most memorable eating experience. Describe the scene. (Where were you? Who were you with? What were you eating?)

This one's easy. I had a difficult trek to Morocco alone, coming from Spain and I was so exhausted and feeling slightly unsafe. After a good night's sleep, I woke up to the most memorable meal of my life. It was made by the mother of my Airbnb host - various breads, homemade butter, jam, olives and mint tea as I looked out in the blue pearl medina feeling so safe and so cared for. It was a 3$ plate of food. I was also just so proud of the journey I took to get there and it was healing.

What cookbooks / food blogs do you find yourself returning to again and again?

My favorite cookbook is Taste and Technique by Niomi Polmeroy. She was a self taught chef so I really connect with her. She makes sophisticated cooking feel easy and she's an inspiring female chef with restaurants in Portland.

Favourite non-food related book?

In the company of Women, currently.

What does your perfect morning look like?

Beautiful smells, bright morning light, hot coffee and optimism.

What’s one of your simple pleasures?

A hot bath

Favourite vegetable?


Favourite fruit?


Tell us about an accomplishment you’re proud of.

The mere fact that I chose to follow the path of food. It's been a beautiful life and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Aside from food, what do you feel passionate about?

Music, design, self exploration and travel.

Who are your biggest inspirations in the food world and why?

The peers around me, seeing the people on my level accomplish amazing things and witnessing their growth.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I'd love to live in Mexico City for a bit.

In a different life, what line of work could you see yourself in?

I'd probably be a great lawyer, I just can't do that because I'm an artist.

A recipe / dish that holds a special place in your heart?

Any meal eaten with my 99 year old Grandpa. He's my role model and loves food more than anything. I get my resilience and work ethic from him.

Favourite local coffee shop? What are you ordering?

I'm simple, I love black coffee and there isn't a favorite, I love stumbling into little hidden gems not just locally but while traveling too.

Favourite local restaurant? What are you ordering?

I don't go out often but when I do, same as the coffee spots, I want a unique dining experience and hole in the wall over the fancy place. Bestia is a very notable and memorable experience though here in LA. I'll have 5 orders of bone marrow.

What’s one of your non-negotiable self-care practices?

Getting a simple Thai massage when I need some comfort.

Tell us one odd thing we don’t know about you. 

I started out in music and still have a lot of music being pitched and placed in various TV shows.

What are the top 3 things on your bucket list? 

I don't have a bucket list, but I want to keep sharing, inspiring, writing and exploring. Maybe if I can, own 3 small properties around the world to bounce around to and from. Just bought the first place in LA - scary but worth it.

What are you excited about right now?

Turning the page to a new chapter, I've had a year of exploring something that I don't feel is in line with where I'm going and that actually excites me. I can't wait to get back to freelance and appreciate it in a way I never have before.

Best piece of advice you’ve been given on life, business or cooking?

"Sometimes finding out what you want to do is figuring out what you don't want to do." My cousin said this to me and it was a weight off my shoulders. I say yes to most things, try it all out and at the end of the day have little regret. Every experience can teach you something and at least I'll have a life full of many stories and lots of connections. Eventually I'll land where I'm supposed to be.

Hilary Brent